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Deng Huiqing: Inorganic artificial stone is the future mainstream of the industry
Date:2021-04-15     Views:    

Character business card: Deng Huiqing, deputy secretary-general of China Stone Association, director of the artificial stone special committee of China Stone Association.

At the inaugural meeting of the artificial stone professional committee of China Stone Association, Deng Huiqing, deputy secretary-general of China Stone Association, was elected as the director of the artificial stone special committee.

Why was the Artificial Stone Committee established? What are the current problems in the industry? What homework will you do in the future? On the same day, this reporter interviewed Deng Huiqing, who was newly appointed official.

【Original intention of establishment】Guide enterprises to transform to quality and efficiency

Reporter: The domestic artificial stone industry has been developing for nearly 20 years, and there has been no establishment of a special organization to guide, what is the original intention of choosing to establish at this time?

Deng Huiqing: In fact, the China Stone Association has been paying attention to the artificial stone industry for a long time, and the association has sent special personnel to various artificial stone production areas for many times. It can be said that we have done a lot of research.

In August, October and November 2014, the association went to Nanyang, Xinyang, Henan, Foshan, Yunfu, Guangdong, Hezhou in Guangxi and Nan'an, Fujian to carry out artificial stone research, inspected artificial stone enterprises and held discussions with local governments, industry authorities and enterprise representatives to understand the development of artificial stone industry, existing problems and problems that need to be solved by the association.

After several months of visiting and researching, it was finally agreed to formally propose the establishment of the artificial stone special committee at the "Third National Artificial Stone Industry Development Seminar" held in Neixiang, Henan Province in January this year. Unexpectedly, the initiative was supported by more than 100 artificial stone practitioners present. Then, in April, we held a preparatory meeting for the establishment of the artificial stone special committee in Foshan, and the response was very good.

We believe that the time is ripe for the establishment of the special committee. From the survey data, it can be seen that the number of artificial stone enterprises in the country has reached 120, mainly distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces, and the average annual output has reached more than 100 million square meters. It is precisely because there are more and more artificial stone enterprises, and there are more and more enterprises with irregular production.

In order to avoid blind investment and low-level duplicate construction in the industry, solve the vicious competition of product homogenization, and guide enterprises to transform from the pure pursuit of quantity to quality and efficiency, an organization is urgently needed to guide the orderly development of the artificial stone industry.

【Industry dilemma】Lack of innovation in products and production processes

Reporter: Can you analyze in detail what are the main problems in the current artificial stone industry?

Deng Huiqing: There are three main problems:

The industry is developing too blindly. Low-level construction is seriously following the trend, resulting in almost the same equipment and products in the artificial stone industry, and serious homogenization competition. In the hundreds of artificial stone companies we visited, we found that in fact, the products are those, and only a few companies have innovated.

The standards are not perfect. At present, the product standards of the artificial stone industry are quite complete, but the standards of raw materials and glues are not perfect. The imperfection of relevant standards has also led to frequent doubts about the safety and environmental protection of artificial stone in the society.

The level of quality management is backward. A large part of the artificial stone industry practitioners are transformed from the traditional stone industry, many of them have more traditional business management concepts and thinking, they often think that "what the product can sell is the standard". Even the artificial stone process production formula of many enterprises exists in the mind of the boss, and has not formed a more systematic text, let alone set up a quality control department. This situation has led to the inability to innovate product decors and production processes.

Reporter: After the establishment of the artificial stone special committee, in what aspects will it benefit the industry?

Deng Huiqing: Welfare is not enough, it just means that we will accompany artificial stone to develop healthily. In this process, we will do more guiding work and standard formulation. For example, promote the standardization of the artificial stone industry and improve the construction of the artificial stone standard system; Research and explore effective ways for artificial stone enterprises to achieve cleaner production and improve the level of cleaner production of enterprises; Set up a professional committee expert group to actively promote advanced technology and advanced technology.

【Future trend】Artificial stone or home improvement market protagonist

Reporter: What are your expectations for the artificial stone industry and what will be the future direction?

Deng Huiqing: To be sure, I am very optimistic about the prospects of this industry.

Relevant statistics show that the annual output of ceramic tiles is more than 10 billion square meters, the annual output of natural stone is less than 1 billion square meters, and the annual output of artificial stone is less than 100 million square meters. Artificial stone can be said to be a supplement to natural stone, its standardization, standardization, industrialization characteristics are the same as tiles, if you do a good job of guidance, it will definitely occupy more market share, and even become the protagonist of the home improvement market.

In the future, building materials products are colorful, and there will be no one alone, but with the use of inorganic materials with long shaping cycle and strong aging resistance, the scope of application of artificial stone will be more extensive. Now more than ninety percent of the industry is resin-type artificial stone products, the future trend of artificial stone is inorganic artificial stone, its standardization is very advantageous to enter the home decoration.

Next, we will strengthen the research and exploration of artificial stone applications, broaden the application scope of artificial stone products, and promote artificial stone products to enter the home improvement market.

previous:Inorganic artificial stone, how much do you really know?